5.27 India Personal Consulting High Voltage Cables - Newheek X ray Cable - Newheek X ray Cable

5.27 India Personal Consulting High Voltage Cables

Indian customers saw our medical high-voltage cables on the website, which met the needs of customers. Ask the customer whether it is maintenance and replacement? The customer said that he consulted for a certain personal clinic for its maintenance and replacement. The cable on the CT machine in this clinic is broken and needs to be replaced with a 90kv, 6-meter cable. After we introduced our products to customers, they were very satisfied.
Briefly introduce our high-voltage cables to you:
Our products have two specifications of 75kv and 90kv. 75kv is suitable for 125kv tubes, and 90kv is suitable for 150kv tubes. Our high-voltage cables can replace Claymond’s CA1 and CA11.
If you are interested in our high voltage cables, please contact us. Whatsapp:+86 18953679166. Email: service@newheek.com.
High Voltage Cables

(+86) 18953679166