Are there any specific guidelines for storing and handling high-voltage cables of X-ray machine when they are not in use? - Newheek X ray Cable - Newheek X ray Cable

Are there any specific guidelines for storing and handling high-voltage cables of X-ray machine when they are not in use?

There are specific guidelines for storing and handling high-voltage cables of X-ray machines when not in use. These guidelines are critical for ensuring safety and maintaining the equipment’s integrity. HV cables should be stored in a designated area, away from foot traffic and potential physical damage. They should be coiled properly, avoiding kinks or sharp bends that could lead to cable damage or electrical issues. It’s essential to protect cables from exposure to extreme temperatures, moisture, and sunlight. Additionally, inspect cables regularly for any signs of wear, damage, or deterioration, and replace them if necessary. Proper labeling and documentation of HV cable condition and usage history are also recommended. Following these guidelines helps prevent equipment malfunction, electrical hazards, and ensures the longevity of X-ray machine components. Whatsapp:+86 18953679166. Email:

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