Connectors for high tension cable 4mt - Newheek X ray Cable - Newheek X ray Cable

Connectors for high tension cable 4mt

The metal shell of the joint and the metal shielding and insulation shielding of the connected high voltage connector are electrically continuous joints called high tension cable 4mt joints. In order to reduce the induced EMF of metal sheath, insulated joints are needed to realize the cross-position connection of high tension cable 4mt to eliminate the circulating current generated by the induced EMF.
Insulated joints are the joints that disconnect the metal sleeve, metal shield and insulation shield of the high tension cable 4mt from the electricity.
high tension cable 4mt is an important part of X-ray machine. The connection of high tension cable 4mt has a protective effect on the personal safety of medical staff and plays an important role in connecting high-voltage generator and spherical tube.
high tension cable 4mt

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