High voltage cable 3m used in industrial X ray machine - Newheek X ray Cable - Newheek X ray Cable

High voltage cable 3m used in industrial X ray machine

Newheek designs and manufactures high voltage cable 3m assemblies and sockets suitable for most industrial X-ray applications. Die-cast rubber welding end technology is adopted for industrial X-ray cables, which can be used for the following DC voltage and joint types: 65kV (R3), 100kV (R10), 160kV (R24), 210kV (R30), 225kV (R28). The high voltage cable 3m can make any joint and length according to the needs of users, so as to fit users’ equipment and application. The high voltage cable 3m has the characteristics of high flexibility, low noise and excellent high voltage characteristics to ensure that the cable has a very high safety factor of high voltage operation.
high voltage cable 3m

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