Importance of Maintenance of HV Cables - Newheek X ray Cable - Newheek X ray Cable

Importance of Maintenance of HV Cables

In daily use, our equipment protection personnel should pay attention to how to maintenance of x ray high voltage cable?
Importance of Maintenance of HV Cables
First of all, in use, the maintenance of hv cables should avoid long-term exposure to ultraviolet radiation oxidation, heating and other damage. After a long period of work, the temperature of the X-ray machine and the room will rise, and vaseline will be overheated. In this case, the plug must be pulled out clean and re-coated with vaseline. When placing high-voltage cable, the maintenance of hv cables should be suspended and stored, so as to prevent the cable from dampness and mildew. When suspending high-voltage cables, we should also pay attention to the use of circular groove hangers with larger radian, not directly hanging on the hooks or bundled for suspension, the bending radius of high-voltage cables should not be less than 8.5 times of the outside diameter of high-voltage cables, to prevent skin rupture. To maintenance of hv cables, a steel sleeve can be inserted at the upper end of the plug seat to reduce the breakdown damage caused by the bending of the cable root.
Importance of Maintenance of HV Cables

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