Are X-ray machine‘s high-voltage cables typically shielded to minimize electromagnetic interference? - Newheek X ray Cable - Newheek X ray Cable

Are X-ray machine‘s high-voltage cables typically shielded to minimize electromagnetic interference?

Yes, high-voltage cables in X-ray machines are typically shielded to minimize electromagnetic interference (EMI). Shielding is important because high-voltage cables can generate electromagnetic fields that can interfere with other electronic devices or cause artifacts in the X-ray image. The shielding helps contain these electromagnetic fields within the cable and prevents them from radiating out and causing interference.

EMI shielding is achieved by using a conductive material, such as a metal foil or braid, around the cable. This conductive layer acts as a barrier, blocking the electromagnetic fields and preventing them from interfering with other devices. The shielded cable is then typically grounded to ensure any unwanted electrical charges are safely discharged.

Shielding high-voltage cables in X-ray machines is a common practice to ensure reliable and accurate operation while minimizing any potential EMI issues. Whatsapp:+86 18953679166. Email:

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