How to get our high voltage cable connectors and sockets’ quotation? - Newheek X ray Cable - Newheek X ray Cable

How to get our high voltage cable connectors and sockets’ quotation?

On November 17, 2018, Indonesian customer Fahmi asked us for the demand for high-voltage cable connectors and sockets. Fahmi asked Newheek about the price of high-voltage cable connectors last week. In this regard, I would like to say sorry, the previous article wrote Fahmi’s country as Malaysia.

This time, Newheek’s friend sent me two pictures on WeChat. as follows:

How to get our high voltage cable connectors and sockets’ quotation?                  How to get our high voltage cable connectors and sockets’ quotation?              How to get our high voltage cable connectors and sockets’ quotation?

Next, let me take a look at our Newheek high-voltage cable connector~

How to get our high voltage cable connectors and sockets’ quotation?

How to get our high voltage cable connectors and sockets’ quotation?

Now, let me introduce you to the advantages of Newheek’s high voltage cable.


√ For medical applications, such as x-ray machine, DR, CT etc.

√ From basic radiography systems to high performance systems.

√ Customized for highest flexibility.

√ Complete product range.

√ Every cable length available.

If you want to know more about Newheek high voltage cable connectors and high voltage cables, please contact our customer service.

(+86) 18953679166