Does the X-ray machine tube have high-voltage cable heads? - Newheek X ray Cable - Newheek X ray Cable

Does the X-ray machine tube have high-voltage cable heads?

The tube of the X-ray machine has a high-voltage cable head and is connected with the X-ray high-voltage generator through the high-voltage cable. High-voltage cable heads are divided into straight heads and elbow heads. The tube of an X-ray machine is connected to the high-voltage generator through the high-voltage cable head and two X-ray high-voltage cables.

The high-voltage cable head for the tube of the X-ray machine consists of a plug body, a snap ring, a nut and a sleeve. The daily maintenance and maintenance of the high-voltage cable head and high-voltage cable used for the X-ray machine tube are as follows:

1. The insulating rubber ring and the inner wall of the cable plug should be clean and free of any dirt
2. Improve the insulating filler in the plug of the high-voltage cable
3. Avoid hard bending and heavy pressure on high-voltage cables
4. Prevent the cable from getting damp
If you are interested in our products, please pay attention to the above information. Our Newheek company is a professional manufacturer of X-ray machines and accessories. Feel free to contact us for more information.

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